How to Treat Male Erectile Dysfunction Naturally

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is often a challenging and sensitive subject to talk about, but it’s also a very common condition among men of all ages. Although it’s more common in older men, it can affect men of any age. Only 5% of males in their 40’s have complete ED, while as many as 50% of men in their 70’s suffer from complete ED. Mild to moderate erectile dysfunction affects about 10% of men per decade of life, meaning 40% of men in their 40’s are affected, and 70% in their 70’s are affected.

Male Sexual Dysfunction Treatment

There are ways to treat ED besides Viagra.

The causes of erectile dysfunction can vary from physical to psychological. While modern pharmaceutical medicine, like Viagra, works for some people, these medications usually come with unpleasant side effects. ED can almost always be improved with natural treatments, and you can overcome impotence without reliance on the little blue pill.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Any dysfunction in the body is a way for our bodies to communicate to us that something is out of balance and needs to be addressed, and it’s the same with erectile dysfunction. Here is a short list of common causes of ED:

Acupuncture for anxiety

Stress can wreak havoc on your sex life.

  • Fatigue
  • Stress
  • Relationship issues
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Performance anxiety
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Diabetes
  • Enlarged prostate gland
  • Other medical diseases

Erectile dysfunction can be addressed in many ways, including medicinal and natural treatments. Pharmaceutical medications often have side effects, which is why we prefer to focus on natural, holistic treatments for ED. Here are three natural remedies for erectile dysfunction:

1. Acupuncture for Male Erectile Dysfunction

Acupuncture focuses on correcting imbalances in the body and can treat anything from emotional causes like stress, to physical causes such as fatigue and pain. Fine needles are inserted into specific acupoints along the meridians of your body to stimulate the flow of qi which allows your body to heal and restore its balance.img_1978_small210x315

There are a few studies that support the use of acupuncture as a viable treatment for ED. In a 1999 study, acupuncture improved the quality of erection and restored sexual activity in 39% of participants. In a 2003 study, 21% of patients experienced an improved erection.

2. Herbal Medicine for ED

Herbal medicine can often treat conditions with greater success than pharmaceutical medications. Herbal treatment focuses on a holistic approach and treats the cause of the problem, rather than the symptoms, and has fewer to no side effects.

Herbal Medicine

I always suggest working with herbs and natural supplements first, before resorting to a pharmaceutical medication.

For example, red ginseng – often referred to as the “herbal Viagra” – is one of the best herbal treatments for certain types of ED. The root is steamed, dried, and grounded into a powder to be used in supplements and herbal formulas. In a 2008 review, evidence was found of the effectiveness of this herb for treating ED. In Chinese medicine terms, this herb is effective when ED is due to a qi deficiency. This is just one of dozens of herbs that can be helpful in treating ED. It is best taken in a formula that balances its warming and stimulating properties.

3. Lifestyle Changes to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Our lifestyle choices are often the biggest culprit to our illnesses, and it’s no different with erectile dysfunction. Whether you take other treatments, natural or pharmaceutical, an unhealthy lifestyle should also be addressed. Here is a list of lifestyle changes that can be made to treat or avoid erectile dysfunction and improve your health in general:

  • Stop smoking: Smokers are twice as likely to develop ED compared to non-smokers as smoking hampers the circulation of blood in all areas, including the genitals, making it harder to get and keep an erection.
  • Reduce alcohol intake: A study found that 72% of men with alcohol dependence syndrome suffer from sexual dysfunction, which includes erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
  • Image of man jogging

    Movement is crucial to health. It doesn’t have to mean going to a gym. Just walking around the block is a good start.

  • Manage stress, anxiety, and depression: These conditions are often the biggest culprits for erectile dysfunction. I wrote in a previous blog post about natural ways to release stress, anxiety, and depression which will help you if you suffer from one of these conditions.
  • Be more active: A sedentary lifestyle can be devastating to your erectile function, especially if becoming overweight or obese. You don’t need to prepare for a marathon to improve your sexual function, though. Studies have shown that walking two miles a day can help maintain a healthy weight and can prevent and treat ED.
  • Follow a healthy diet: Unhealthy foods like soda, chips, fast foods, and pre-made meals can cause you to gain weight and leave you feeling lethargic. This can harm your vascular function and mess with your blood flow. In a previous post, I discussed how to eat healthier and feel better.
  • Vegetables in a basket image

  • Get good sleep: Fatigue is one of the reasons why many men suffer from ED. Our sleeping habits are essential for optimal health. Read this blog post for some tips on how to get a good night’s sleep.
  • Communication: We often set high expectations for our own sexual performance, and as a result become afraid that we might not live up to expectations. Communicating with your sex partner about both of your needs will lower anxiety, make you feel closer to each other, and will make sex more enjoyable.


Since the origin of erectile dysfunction can be physical, emotional, or psychological, treatment will differ from person to person. Regardless of your specific issue or its cause, I will customize an alternative treatment that best fits your needs.

Often, part of healing is talking about your issue. This is ESPECIALLY true in this case. I provide a safe place where we can discuss these things without judgement – I’ve helped many men overcome erectile dysfunction and all types of sexual dysfunction. Everybody deserves to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling sex life!

Tags: Acupuncture clinic San Francisco, acupuncture for ed, acupuncture for male sexual dysfunction, Chinese herbal medicine clinic, cure male erectile dysfunction, herbal remedies for ed, natural remedies for ed, San Francisco, Timothy Asher,

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3 Comments. Leave new

Ryan Williams
August 11, 2017 10:19 am

Good suggestions and many of these actually do work. I’ve had good luck with lifestyle changes, specifically related to diet and exercise. Great article!

Alaina Albert
August 25, 2017 4:11 am

Good blogging! Thanks for the information.

Phil Castellano
July 1, 2018 9:20 pm

Here also are some of the natural remedies for erectile dysfunction:

1. L-arginine
2. Propionyl-L-carnitine
3. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
4. Ginkgo
5. Ginseng
6. Yohimbine
7. Horny goat weed (Epimedium)

Some lifestyle changes to consider include:

1. Exercising regularly
2. Eating healthful food
3. Quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake
4. Reducing stress
5. Continuing to engage in sexual activities