Holiday Overeating?

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Picture of a green smoothie.Did you over-indulge over the Thanksgiving holiday?

I know I sure did. But it wasn’t turkey and mashed potatoes for me that was the problem. It was the chocolate peanut butter ice cream that I had on top of all that for dessert! I felt full and bloated, and it gave me a serious case of the hiccups!

Not pleasant…but a good reminder of what happens when I eat too much of something that doesn’t really agree with my body. Fleeting pleasure for hours of discomfort…not worth it! Apparently I needed to be reminded the hard way.

So after eating so many heavier comfort foods, I’m taking a day off eating to do a green juice cleanse. It will be a nice reset before the next holiday when I will probably overeat again! Cleansing after periods of indulgence is a great way to clean out the liver, and allow it to regenerate itself. This allows your whole digestive system to reset, leaving you feeling lighter, clearer in the head, and in a better mood all around. This also ensures that any holiday weight gain is short-lived.

This could be as simple as doing a juice fast by only drinking low-sugar green juices for a meal or two after the holiday, or it could be something more extended with a week-long plan to remove heavy and fatty foods. There are many ways and each person will be slightly different. If you’re interested in learning more, give me a call and I’d be happy to talk more about it!

Tags: acupuncture, alternative health, celery juice, cleansing, green juice, holiday overeating, liver cleanse, liver reset, overeating, san francisco acupunc,